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Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:24 am
by techman

Most of them are still the very same ones that have been attacking me all along.

The main one is fixedbydoc who is determined to shut me down. The rest you will know if you see them because their channels are dedicated to hating me. Nothing else but hate on me.

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:33 pm
by techman
This is concerning my old logo with the blue earth background. I had a deal with the original artist, in writing. Doc does not care about legal agreements. I will let his own words speak:

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:54 pm
by techman
Here is part of the plotting to shut down my channel:
seeds2freedomedit.jpg (172.37 KiB) Viewed 52660 times
Seeds2Freedom2edit.jpg (349.79 KiB) Viewed 52660 times

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:19 pm
by techman
Here is another plan to get me into trouble. But they claim they are innocent and I am doing illegal stuff:
Screenshot (424)clip.png
Screenshot (424)clip.png (8.54 KiB) Viewed 52658 times

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:16 pm
by troybot001
Clearly they are responsible. Darn them. I guess Ryan got what he wanted. What a jerk. Too bad he isn't using any copyrighted material so you could shut HIM down and return the favor!

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:56 pm
by techman
He does use my materials. And other copyrighted materials on his channel. Sadly YT only seems to punish good people and not the bad. They do nothing to him for some reason. I dont get it

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:58 pm
by techman
Hydrocat is one of my top haters. She is trying to cause me further harm. These guys try to attack every aspect of my life. She is friends with the gang.
Screenshot (569)2.png
Screenshot (569)2.png (153.64 KiB) Viewed 52139 times

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:31 pm
by nevertoold
Troy, I too have been watching you from day one. Due to an illness I loose my sight up to eight months at a time so I would have my husband play your videos so I could at least listen to them. When sight returned I would catch up on the videos.. The hubby would read comments until he got so peeved he couldn't any longer and said you have to have patience of a saint. Well, now that I have some vision in one eye I started commenting and of course the cowardly trolls send a private message to me not public. I have been viewing some of these people's videos.
and some of their comments regarding you are unreal. I do not understand how they can talk about harming you and your home and get away with it. You know Doc lost his channel because he was flagged so much however the next day he started up after You Tube booted him with almost the same name and he is up and running again. Just to let you know there was a short chat about what happened to you. Some one else said you got a reprieve. Doc said now the threats
begin. Something to that effect. Is there no one to report him or the other person too? I pray for you and Melanie everyday that you have a great life together. The truth is, no matter where you move as long as you are on YouTube there will be evil hateful people that will be against you. Not that it makes it any better but you are not alone in the troll fight. Just wish You Tube understood that this is a major problem. I wish you everything good Troy. Many Blessings !

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:34 am
by pmelah
ahh so what if she has 3 4 or 5 fb accounts i have 5 myself

Re: The Off Grid Project Timeline And The Trolls

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:02 pm
by techman
Thank you all for your support. The one sided battle to shut me down goes on still. But I am getting stronger and they are getting weaker. After over 4 years they members of my enemies website are starting to ask questions among themselves about the reality of all the accusations. I mean nobody could commit so many crimes and go free. No way.