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Stanley Meyer

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:40 pm
by acrowder53
Hey everyone I'm new to this forum. I have been reading over much of the material and have to say I'm appreciating it all. A lot of good information of Bedini motor for me cause I was always confused on it. However I live in Ohio and would like to mention a name. Stanley Meyer. Reason for this is because he invented an extremely efficient way of producing hho without an electrolyte. But more importantly I would like to mention his EPG system if no one on here has heard of it. Please allow me to enlighten you.

EPG stands for Electrical Particle Generator. This device was filed under mode of operability in the patent office of Canada. It was a fuelless generator. It utilized the hho coming out of a hydrogen fuel cell and placed a magnetic polarity upon those gases. Then the gases were propelled through a non conductive and non magnetic tubing (recommend PEX or PVC tubing). Coils were wrapped around this tubing and when the magnetic gas traverses the coils DC or AC is produced. Once someone puts this magnetic gas into the tubing, one does not have to keep adding it. It's like pressurizing it i guess. Then one can circulate the gases with a brushless motor or some other method.

I would like to add this information to this forum because it has self running capabilities, but more importantly an off grid person such as Troy or anyone else (sorry dont know any other names) could possibly charge batteries without running a noisy generator, but also do it without fuel. I saw him charging batteries with bicycle and that looked like to much work :) The EPG can produce DC so it could be used for charging batteries no doubt.

Please check out the websites." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

these two websites you can find out almost all of stan's information and patents.

also please check out a friend of mines website." onclick=";return false;
he's taking the EPG to good levels

I will be building one also and will place any tech stats on here.
but i just wanted to mention it.
best of luck

Re: Stanley Meyer

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:44 pm
by techman
Any updates on your research?

I have studied Stanley Meyer's patents but am not skilled enough to make such a thing myself.

I have worked a lot with using a Bedini motor to split h20 into its separate gases. Not yet to the point where I have a large amount of gas though.

Re: Stanley Meyer

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:31 pm
by acrowder53
Hey Techman,

Your reference to the bedini motor's high voltage, low amperage back emf pulses is almost identical to how stanley meyer powered his cell and getting enormous amount of gases produced. The patents are very confusing and troublesome. Please look into a youtube channel of "irondmax" he shows circuit boards and a running cell. There are circuit boards that you can buy on his website." onclick=";return false;

My research is slowed down due to me loosing my job and moving into another apartment with a roommate. Decreasing my lab space considerably :|
I am building a tube cell and powering it with replication of stanley meyer's electronics for separating the gases with .500amps at a high voltage. My goal is to convert a gas generator I have to run on this hydrogen and oxygen. I live in Ohio where stan lived, I actually only about an hr away from where he lived.

thanks for replying to my posting. I watch your videos religiously and would like to thank you for allowing me to post on your forum, and for providing great information. I'm only 22 but I plan on being self sufficient in a similar manner to you. So thanks again for all the information.


Re: Stanley Meyer

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:46 pm
by techman
And thank you for sharing your experiences.

We all learn together, that is the goal of the forum.

Yes the Bedini motor is my simpler attempt at what Stanley Meyer did.

My own project is on hold for various reasons but one is that I lost my home in February last year and spent all summer trying to get a better place to live, as you have surely seen on my videos.

The next problem is my lab (old camper) is no longer heated and water freezes in winter.

Going to have to wait a while before I get back up and running but with the new work shop camper I am setting up, things are going to be looking pretty good. I will set it up as a permanent lab and work shop on wheels. No more packing up and restarting all the time.

Please keep me/us updated on your progress.

Re: Stanley Meyer

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:35 pm
by acrowder53

I have noticed from your videos that your not getting hardly any solar for charging your battery bank recently. I would like to offer a possible solution. Read the Practical Guide to Free Energy by Patrick Kelly. It covers a ton of free energy devices. In Chapter 7 (Aerial Power Systems) there is a person in there making a different type of radiant energy receiver from Tesla's original concept. I built a couple and they do work as stated. Just as suggestion to maybe solve a little of your dark days with no power? The inventor (Jes Ascanius) claims to be getting 90 watts continuous, and the system does work at night. I don't know if you have looked into this document I assume you probably ran across it looking into Bedini, but just in case I thought Chapter 7 may be of interest for your unreliable cloudy days." onclick=";return false;



Re: Stanley Meyer

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:18 pm
by techman
Yes I have studied that but have not been able to replicate it properly. I think its all in the wire. Most of the newer wire is grounded to prevent us from using it like that. Its grounded internally. Or shorted is more like it maybe.

Anyway I had no power at all with mine. I think if you find some old wire, before they put the shielding inside it, you have success. I do believe in it though.

Maybe one day in the spring I will try it again.